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Andrea Apple Carmen Celine Claudia De Lun Feng Hwee Heng Kiat Janelle Jennifer Jun Xiang Laura Lynette Mei Ting Melissa MingZhu Mitch PeiShi Wei Lin Wan Ling Wardah Yuniz
September 2007
November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 |
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saw this personality test thingy on Jennifer's blog n I decided to take the quiz. Here's the results:
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.Your views on education Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you: You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.Feel free to try it out! :) http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx
I went to do POM project with YanTing, MingZhu, Feng Hwee and Long Feng at Long Feng's mum shop which is at Tampines. It's very far for us but no choice. The interview part was quite smooth cos Long Feng's mother answered well to most of our questions. W e took a few pics during the interview n after the interview...It was a short but quite fun project meetup! I finally met up with Feng Hwee after so long. Happy to see the girls today :) Thanks Long Feng for helping us schedule his mum in for the interview...
Our project discussion ended ard 4.30pm n all of us left for our own programs. YT happens to go same way as me so we took train while the others took bus. Had girls' talk with her on the train but before we finish talking she reached Bugis already. Shall catch up with her on mon again. I went Cityhall n shopped at River Island, saw this pair of rhinestone shoes I really really liked. But dun hav my size, n it's $89 abit ex. I went to River Island at Vivo branch to check if there's my size but dun hav also. There's only these 2 branches so I doubt I can ever get that pair of shoes. Headed to Topshop n I saw a pair of rhinestone ballet flats there, it's quite nice but the River Island one is obviously nicer. I ended up buying the one at Topshop cos left my size last pair...it's $53 after discount. Well at least I got my rhinestone type of shoes...lol. ![]()
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Grandpa discharged frm hospital today and is staying with us for the day...happy happy! Lucky today no need do project...and sis happens to be free! So both of us went town n watched 'The Warlords'...the movie starts at 7.15pm n we only reached town at 5.40pm. Had to rush to buy tickets at Cine then we went to Taka to buy something. Had dinner at this Thai place in Far East Plaza...the tom yam soup is nice as usual. Sis had claypot beef rice n she said ok only. We were seriously rushing. In order to save time, while waiting for my food I went level one to get our movie snacks, spicy chicken n battered fish frm those snacks store. When I got back to the dining place my tom yam is already served. I only took 15 mins to eat n then we hav to rush back to Cine for movie already.
Overall the movie was not bad, there's action n the war scenes are quite exciting. But I'm confused abt a few parts...n the movie had a bad ending. All three of them died, Andy Lau, Jet Li and Takeshi. When the movie start, sis was looking out for her Andy Lau haha...but Takeshi more handsome lor. End of the movie she agreed with me haha. He looks gd even with mud n sand on his face. We went hm straight after movie...it was abt 9.40pm. Didn't get to shop today due to lack of time...hmmm shall hav a girls' shopping trip with sis n bestie when sch reopens! :)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
On X'mas eve I went to visit my grandad awhile at the hospital. He seems better now but still dunno when can discharge. Ard evening time I went for X'mas dinner n it was great! The food is yummy...turkey, ham, potato salad, sausages, celery and carrot cream soup! It's my first time having a real X'mas feast...and it feels great just gathering ard and eat together. After dinner I tried out WII...there's a bowling, tennis and boxing game but I didn't get to play the tennis one. The boxing game was fun...though I kept losing. It makes the person playing look quite silly, esp the someone who used all his might to hit...u know who u r. I seriously can't stop laughing! I wanna play more but too bad had to leave at 10pm to meet Jun Jie, Jennifer, De Lun, Laura, Yan Ting, Xiang Nan and Bin Wei at Orchard for countdown. At first quite excited to meet them but after knowing that most of them r leaving before we come den feel abit sian. I saw Laura, Jennifer, De Lun and Jun Jie at the mrt station n I passed them their cards before they go. They're all going hm except for JJ who's going to club. They look quite happy, esp JJ...nowadays everytime see him abit emo but that day he's cheerful! Seeing them happy makes me happy too! Jie Yong n I went to meet Xiang Nan and Yan Ting for countdown.
Orchard was damn crowded...it took us 30 mins to find XN and YT. Things got really bad when it's nearing 12am. Everyone started to get rough...kept pushing n shoving past, very irritating! XN and YT were way in front of us and den we lost them in the crowd. We were seriously squeezed together, no where to move. The worst part was when we were at the side some pple kept pushing n I fell onto the ground. My right shoe got lost n I had to find for it in that squeezy place. Was abit worried I can't find at first cos it was really dark and pple r still moving n pushing ard. Jie Yong tried to hold me up but he got pushed by another person also. Lucky got 2 nice pple helped both of us up. It was crazy man seriously. We were sweating and in a foul mood. We went to find a corner to breathe properly and end up everyone started coming to this corner and a grp of Banglas pushed an advertisement board which is directly in front of Jie Yong n me...it nearly fell on us, thank God a guy helped us support it. 3 of us were holding onto the board. What's wrong with these pple...they can really injure pple. We finally got thru the crowd and headed to Cine to meet XN and YT. After struggling for an hr in we finally get to settle down for some food n drinks. I'll nvr go for countdowns anymore! My mood became better and I was really happy to see my girl YT! I miss her...we all hang out till 4am den JY's dad came Plaza Sing to fetch us hm. It was very nice of him to send all of us hm at this time... On X'mas day I took neoprints and went to watch 'I am Legend'...the show is gd, suspense element was there. Some scenes made us jump...lol. After the movie we had dinner at Pasta Mania...I had seafood spaghetti! Went Clarke Quay to hang out awhile before going hm... Minus the countdown, overall I had a meaningful X'mas this yr :) Hope u all had a wonderful X'mas!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Whee I finally went to the Zoo today...it was a gd experience! We were there quite late, at ard 3.30pm n the Zoo closes at 6pm. There's this small garden path n we took a few pics there. We also squeezed inside a jeep take pic in it. Saw lots of animals but we didn't get to see all the animals there due to lack of time. The wolf was damn smelly...the smell is called 'wolf's perfume' and u can smell this so-called perfume frm far, even before u see the wolf. The second smelliest animal will be the rhino! We didn't get to see camels i bet they stink too.
We saw monkeys and orang utans...there's this monkey very funny, showing off it's gymnastic skills to us on the thin rope. It was quite entertaining...lol. Another entertaining animal is the baboon. There are lots of them...red face n red ass. We saw big ones n really small ones, baby baboons. Some had obscene things hanging onto them...eh. The fat animals there r hippos n elephants! The hippos' ass really damn big. Haha. The dangerous creatures r the snakes n the cat family. We went into the snake exhibition place and saw the diff types of snakes, saw one really big python abit scary. Everyone was leaving at ard 6pm and we went to eat Ben n jerry's ice cream. Had Strawberry Cheesecake flavour n Cookies n Cream flavour...Yum Yum! We had Teppanyaki for dinner...it's my first time trying it n it's quite nice :) Hmmm it was an interesting day for me! Whee!
Friday, December 21, 2007
I had a belated bday celebration at Plaza Sing, Manhattan Fish Market today. The seafood platter is still super nice :) Only a few of us were there, Jennifer, Laura, De Lun, Jun Jie, Long Feng, Jie Yong and me. Thank u guys for coming...I really really appreciate it :) For those who didn't come last min, I was kinda disappointed. We left Plaza Sing quite early, at ard 4 plus and everyone went back. Sorry guys only ask u all come out for lunch den go hm...nxt time we plan more programs k? Try to meet up for x'mas celebration!
This yr bday i had great presents! A classy Topshop top, bag frm Forever 21, Guess wallet and a heart shaped necklace. A big THANKS to all of u who bought me bday presents! :) I shopped abit in town with Kuku n den went for my eyebrow appointment. At the eyebrow place Kuku's ego was boosted...eh only he knows why. HAHA. He made my day once again! :) I went hospital to visit my grandad at night he was admitted cos he fell and fractured his back. Really hope he'll recover fast...my heart aches for him. I think he's quite lonely in the hospital and he has to stay for 1 week. I'll try to visit him when I have the time...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Finally 19th Dec is here...and I had a great bday celebration! :) Went Vivo to watch 'National Treasure' in the afternoon, the show is quite interesting. I recommend u all to watch haha it's a 2 hrs movie. Rushed to Bugis after the movie to take neoprints n had dinner at 'Indulgz'. 'Indulgz' has a nice ambience...but too bad we didn't get the red cushion seats...they look so comfy! We were seating right beside the entrance lol. We had baked rice n it was ok only but the appetiser is nice, some cheese thingy I forgot the exact name already. N the smoothies r great too!
Went to the Roof Terrace at the Esplanade after dinner...it's my first time there, abit swa ku. The place is not bad but quite alot of pple there though. I had my small but sweet strawberry cake there. Haha the attempt to light up the cake was quite funny, cos we only had 1 candle n it kinda broke in the middle so it was slanted to one side n was dripping onto the cake. After singing of my personalised bday song, we had to eat the cake with our hands cos there is no fork. Hmmm we stayed there for like 30 mins n then had to leave already cos the place closes at 11pm if I'm not wrong. We went Merlion Park n stayed for awhile. Left the place at ard 11.40pm wanting to catch the last train. We thought of walking to Raffles Place Mrt station thinking that it's nearer...but eh we ended up at Shenton Way. We obviously missed the mrt station. Haha end up have to take cab home...Well but the walk to Shenton Way was quite fun :) I can see the efforts put into this bday celebration..n I love the present! Thanks for making me feel so special! :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I woke up quite early today to help sis out at her optometry centre at Singapore Poly. The whole process took ard 2hrs and we had lunch before we left the place. I had to rush to town to get sth impt and I bumped into a few of my classmates, Yt, Jennifer, laura, Jun Jie, Xiang Nan and I forgot still got who already. So coincidental I think they're buying sth...ahem haha. I went off to Cityhall n meet friend after that.
We watched 'Alvin and the chipmunks' today and the chipmunks in the show are kinda cute :) There are some funny parts... After movie we had dinner at Swensens...I ate chicken baked rice but it's not really nice. The turkey dish that he ordered was nicer. The ice cream was not bad...Cookie Summit, I liked the cookies part. Went to the fountain at Suntec and chatted for some time. It's always so enjoyable with you :) Hmmm looking forward to tml...my bday is coming real soon! :)
Monday, December 17, 2007
Went town with my besties today n shop for xmas present. It's 4 of us again. Lulu, Wardah, sis n me! Lulu n I were anxious to buy the presents...I thought my present was hard to find but hers even harder. She already got a FCUK tee for her bf but she wanna get a nice hp pouch for him too. We went to shops like Armani Exchange, Calvin Klein and even Harley Davidson(I think that's the stupidest place to get hp pouch it's so biker)! But surprisingly that's the shop that sells the most hp pouches but not nice! End of the day she still haven got what she wanted. Handphone pouches are really hard to get lol. I finally bought my gift n i'm so glad! :) Thank u girls for shopping with me today...i know it was really tiring running abt with Lulu n me haha. We finally had our dinner at 9.30pm we were seriously starving haha.
Was abit disappointed to hear that a few of them couldn't make it for bday celebration this coming Wed. I know some of them really cannot make it...well we shall see how. It's holidays now n they're busy...
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I'm so glad that Oral Comms presentation is over! Yay! Tml still have internet ICA...i nvr even read anything abt it. Hope I can pass cos I'm too tired to study now. It's 1 25am n I'm blogging in a tired mode.
Went town n Vivo after sch today...yay it's Vivo again, one of our fav spot! The other one is Clarke Quay haha. I got an M)phosis top for my x'mas present...I love it! Thank you so much! Went Bukit Panjang to take back my things frm my ex bf...n I had to take cab home cos it's late already. Oh no waste money on cab again...today spent $20 on cab already so not worth it.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Oral comms today was scary...our class had to present their speech for ICA 2. I was hoping my turn won't come and it really didn't reach me cos I haven even rehearse my speech. But eh bad thing is, I'll most prob be the second speaker on Thu Oral Comms lesson. Gotta cut some parts of my speech...but I feel so lazy to do it.
Hmmm last night was stressful cos I stayed up to do Oral Comms till 2 am n not yet done. Unbearable man. Had to wake up early 9am today to complete it...do until 12.30pm den take taxi to sch. So rush...I wish I done it earlier :( Had a small talk with yt on our way hm...I really enjoy her company, my sweety girl :) |